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Unix - Interview Questions
Can you describe the function of the command
The gzip command in Unix-like operating systems is used for file compression and decompression. It is commonly used to reduce the size of files, making them easier to store, transfer, and archive. The name "gzip" stands for "GNU zip," indicating its association with the GNU project.

Here's an overview of the functions of the gzip command :

1. File compression : When used to compress a file, the gzip command replaces the original file with a compressed version, appending the ".gz" extension to the filename. It uses the DEFLATE compression algorithm to compress data efficiently, typically achieving significant reductions in file size, especially for text-based files.

Syntax for compressing a file :
gzip [options] filename?

Example :
gzip example.txt?

After compression, the original file example.txt is replaced with the compressed file example.txt.gz.

2. Decompression : The gzip command can also be used to decompress compressed files created with gzip or compatible compression programs. It restores the original uncompressed file, removing the ".gz" extension from the filename.

Syntax for decompressing a file :
gzip -d filename.gz?

Example :
gzip -d example.txt.gz?

After decompression, the compressed file example.txt.gz is replaced with the uncompressed file example.txt.

3. Options and flags :
The gzip command supports various options and flags to customize its behavior, including options to specify compression level (-1 for fastest compression, -9 for best compression), preserve file attributes (-c for output to standard output, -k to keep the original file), force compression or decompression (-f), and more. You can see the full list of options by running gzip --help.

Example of using options :
gzip -9 example.txt   # Compress with the highest compression level?

Overall, the gzip command is a versatile and efficient tool for compressing and decompressing files in Unix-like environments, helping users save disk space, reduce bandwidth usage, and simplify file management tasks.