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Bulma - Interview Questions
Can you detail the methods available for customizing Bulma to fit specific project requirements?
Bulma offers several methods for customizing the framework to align with specific project requirements:

1. Sass Variables : Bulma is built with Sass, allowing developers to leverage Sass variables for customization. Variables such as colors, typography, spacing, breakpoints, and more can be overridden to create a custom theme. By defining these variables before importing Bulma, developers can customize the entire framework to match the project's design.

2. Customizing Components : Bulma's modular structure allows selective inclusion of components. Developers can create their own styles or modify existing Bulma styles for specific components. This can be achieved by inspecting Bulma's source code, understanding its class structure, and then overriding or extending styles as needed.

3. Utility Classes : Bulma offers an extensive set of utility classes that enable on-the-fly styling without writing custom CSS. Developers can use these classes directly in HTML elements to apply specific styles, such as colors, sizes, responsiveness, and more.

4. Extensions and Add-ons : Developers can extend Bulma's functionality by creating their own extensions or add-ons. These can include additional custom components, mixins, or utilities that integrate seamlessly with Bulma's architecture.

5. Custom Build : For projects requiring a leaner footprint, developers can create a custom build of Bulma by excluding components or styles not used in the project. This reduces file size and optimizes performance by only including necessary components.

6. Using Post-Processing Tools : Post-processors like PostCSS can be employed to further enhance customization. These tools allow for transformations, optimizations, and additional processing of Bulma's styles or custom stylesheets.

Example Customization Workflow :
// Customizing Bulma variables
$primary: #ff7f50; // Custom primary color
$link: #8a2be2;   // Custom link color
$info: #00CED1;   // Custom info color
// ...other variable customizations

// Importing Bulma after variable customization
@import 'bulma';

// Additional custom styles
// ...override or extend Bulma styles​

This approach showcases how Sass variables can be modified to define custom colors and other properties, followed by the import of Bulma, allowing the customized variables to override the default ones.