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Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) - Interview Questions
Can you explain data structures and also describe the physical data structure and logical data structure?
Data structures are a set of rules for organizing and storing data in a computer. Data structures are used to structure databases, manage memory, and organize data. Data structures allow for easy organization of data, easy retrieval of data, and efficient use of resources.

Physical Data Structures can be Arrays and Linked lists. We can call these two physical data structures because the data stored in the actual physical memory, are based on these two. An array is the collection of contiguous data elements of the same type. And the linked list is also the collection of the data elements but it may or may not be contiguous in memory. A linked list consists of nodes that store the data and also the pointer that is pointing to the next node in the memory.

Logical Data Structure can be considered as all the data structures that are constructed while using the two physical data structures. The logical data structures can be stack, queue, tree, graph, etc. These data structures have only the logic and based on this logic it defines a property and stores the data using arrays and linked lists in the memory.