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Power BI - Interview Questions
Can you explain how to use Power BI Embedded's API and developer tools to customize and extend the functionality of embedded reports and dashboards?
Power BI Embedded is a platform that enables developers to integrate Power BI reports and dashboards into custom applications. It provides an API and a suite of developer tools that allow developers to customize and extend the functionality of embedded reports and dashboards.

To use Power BI Embedded's API and developer tools, developers must have an active Azure subscription and an understanding of the Azure portal, Power BI, and the Power BI REST API.

Here are the steps to use Power BI Embedded's API and developer tools :

* Navigate to the Azure portal and create a new Power BI Embedded resource.
* Retrieve the workspace collection and workspace ID values from the newly created Power BI Embedded resource.
* Authenticate the user and obtain an access token by sending a POST request to the Power BI REST API.
* Use the Power BI REST API to create a new dashboard, import a report, or retrieve an existing report.
* Use the Power BI JavaScript API to embed the report or dashboard into a custom application. The API provides a set of methods and events that allow developers to interact with embedded reports and dashboards.

Here is a code snippet that shows how to use the Power BI JavaScript API to embed a report into a custom application :
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <div id="reportContainer"></div>
    var models = window['powerbi-client'].models;
    var embedConfig = {
        type: 'report',
        tokenType: models.TokenType.Embed,
        accessToken: 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
        embedUrl: 'EMBED_URL',
        id: 'REPORT_ID',
        settings: {
            filterPaneEnabled: false,
            navContentPaneEnabled: false
    var $reportContainer = $('#reportContainer');
    var report = powerbi.embed($reportContainer.get(0), embedConfig);

In this code snippet, the Power BI JavaScript API is used to embed a report into a custom application. The embedConfig object defines the report to be embedded, including the access token, embed URL, report ID, and display settings. The powerbi.embed method is then used to embed the report into a container element on the page, which is identified by the $reportContainer variable.