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JavaScript IndexedDB - Interview Questions
Can you explain the function of the createObjectStore JavaScript method?
The createObjectStore() method of the IDBDatabase interface creates and returns a new object store or index. The method takes the store's name and a parameter object that lets you define optional properties. You can use the property to identify individual objects in the store uniquely. As the property is an identifier, it should be unique to every object, and every object should have that property.

The options have two optional parameters including the key-path and auto-increment. The key path is a path to an object property that IndexedDB uses as the key. If set to true, the auto-increment option parameter automatically generates a new auto-incrementing number for the key, like an id or number. If we do not supply keyOptions, we need to provide a key when storing an object explicitly.

Code Example :

Syntax : db.createObjectStore(name, options);
// Create an objectStore for this database
let objectStore = db.createObjectStore('toDoList', { keyPath: 'taskTitle' });?