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JavaScript IndexedDB - Interview Questions
Can you explain the function of the transaction method?
The transaction method of the IDBDatabase interface immediately returns a transaction object (IDBTransaction) containing the IDBTransaction.objectStore method, which you can use to access your object-store. We must make all data operations within a transaction in IndexedDB. The transaction method has three available arguments: store, mode/type, and options. The store/storeNames refer to the names of the object stores in the scope of the new transaction, declared as an array of strings. Specify only the object stores that you need to access.

If you need to access only one object store, you can specify its name as a string. The mode or type relates to the types of access performed in the transaction. IndexedDB transactions open in one of three modes: readonly, readwrite and readwriteflush (non-standard, Firefox-only.) We should specify the object-store versionchange mode here. If you do not provide the parameter, the default access mode is readonly. Please do not open a readwrite transaction unless you need to write it into the database to avoid slowing things down. The options argument is a dictionary of option durability parameters including "default", "strict", or "relaxed". The default is "default". Using "relaxed" provides better performance but with fewer guarantees. Web applications are encouraged to use "relaxed" for transient data such as caches or quickly changing records and "strict" in cases where reducing the risk of data loss outweighs the impact on performance and power. We should note that the mode/type and options are optional arguments.

Code Example :

Syntax : IDBDatabase.transaction(storeNames, mode, options);
let transaction = db.transaction('books', 'readwrite'); // (1)

// get an object store to operate on it
let books = transaction.objectStore('books'); // (2)

let book = {
  id: 'js',
  price: 10,
  created: new Date(),

let request = books.add(book); // (3)

request.onsuccess = function () {
  // (4)
  console.log('Book added to the store', request.result);

request.onerror = function () {
  console.log('Error', request.error);