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Babylon.js - Interview Questions
Can you explain the process of creating custom shaders in Babylon.js, and how you would implement them within the framework?
To create custom shaders in Babylon.js, follow these steps :

1. Write shader code : Create vertex and fragment shaders using GLSL language. Vertex shader handles vertices’ positions, while fragment shader defines color and texture.

2. Prepare ShaderMaterial : Instantiate a new ShaderMaterial object, passing the shader’s unique name and scene reference. Set its properties like backFaceCulling, wireframe, etc., as needed.

3. Load shaders : Use setVertexShaderPath() and setFragmentShaderPath() methods to load external .vertex.fx and .fragment.fx files or setVertexShaderSource() and setFragmentShaderSource() for inline code.

4. Define attributes and uniforms : Call bindAttribLocation() method to specify attribute locations (e.g., position, normal). For uniforms, use getEffect() to access Effect object and call setXXX methods (e.g., setFloat, setVector3).

5. Apply textures : If using textures, assign them to ShaderMaterial by calling setTexture() with uniform name and Texture object.

6. Assign material to mesh : Set the custom ShaderMaterial as the material property of your desired mesh.

Example :
const shaderMaterial = new BABYLON.ShaderMaterial("customShader", scene);
shaderMaterial.bindAttribLocation("position", 0);
shaderMaterial.getEffect().setFloat("time", timeValue);
shaderMaterial.setTexture("textureSampler", new BABYLON.Texture("path/to/texture.png", scene));
mesh.material = shaderMaterial;?