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TinyDB - Interview Questions
Can you perform complex queries in TinyDB? If so, how?
Yes, you can perform complex queries in TinyDB using the Query object and its capabilities for constructing sophisticated query conditions. TinyDB supports a variety of operators and logical operations that allow you to create complex queries to retrieve specific subsets of data from your database.

Here's how you can perform complex queries in TinyDB :

Use comparison operators : TinyDB supports comparison operators such as ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >= to compare values in documents.
from tinydb import Query

# Create a Query object to specify the query conditions
User = Query()

# Define a complex query condition
query_condition = (User.age >= 18) & (User.age <= 30) & ( == 'New York')

# Apply the query to the 'users' table and retrieve matching documents
matching_users =

# Print the matching documents?

for user in matching_users:

Use logical operators : TinyDB supports logical operators such as & (logical AND), | (logical OR), and ~ (logical NOT) to combine multiple query conditions.
Use nested conditions : You can nest query conditions within each other to create more complex queries.
# Define a nested query condition
nested_condition = (User.age >= 18) & (( == 'New York') | ( == 'Los Angeles'))

# Apply the nested query to the 'users' table and retrieve matching documents
matching_users =

# Print the matching documents
for user in matching_users:

Use lambda functions : Alternatively, you can use lambda functions to define custom query conditions.
# Define a custom lambda function for the query condition
custom_condition = lambda user: user['age'] >= 18 and user['city'] == 'New York'

# Apply the lambda function as the query condition
matching_users =

# Print the matching documents
for user in matching_users:

By leveraging these features of the Query object and combining them creatively, you can construct complex queries in TinyDB to retrieve precisely the data you need from your database. This flexibility allows you to tailor your queries to the specific requirements of your application and extract meaningful insights from your data.