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Computer Graphics - Interview Questions
Define Aspect Ratio?
Aspect ratio refers to the proportional relationship between the width and height of an image, screen, or display. It is typically expressed as the ratio of the width to the height. For example, an aspect ratio of 16:9 means that for every 16 units of width, there are 9 units of height.

Aspect ratio is commonly used to describe the shape of screens or images, including those of televisions, computer monitors, movie screens, and digital images. Different aspect ratios can result in different visual experiences and are often chosen based on the intended use or content.
Common aspect ratios include :

4:3 : This was the standard aspect ratio for older televisions and computer monitors. It is more square in shape, with the width being 4 units for every 3 units of height.

16:9 : This is the standard aspect ratio for most high-definition televisions, computer monitors, and widescreen digital content. It is wider in shape, with the width being 16 units for every 9 units of height.

21:9 : This is an ultrawide aspect ratio commonly used in some computer monitors and cinematic displays. It provides an even wider viewing experience compared to 16:9, making it well-suited for immersive gaming and cinematic content.

Aspect ratio is an important consideration in various applications, such as video editing, graphic design, and multimedia production, as it can affect how content is displayed and perceived by viewers.