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Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) - Interview Questions
Define Service Level Indicators.
Service Level Indicators (SLIs) are measurable metrics or parameters that reflect specific aspects of a service's behavior or performance. SLIs are used to quantitatively assess the service's health, quality, and compliance with Service Level Objectives (SLOs). SLIs help provide objective data about the service's performance, which can be monitored, analyzed, and used to make informed decisions.

Here are a few important points about SLIs :

1. Measurable Metrics : SLIs are defined using measurable metrics that capture relevant aspects of the service's behavior. Examples of SLIs include response time, error rate, throughput, availability, latency, or any other quantifiable attributes that reflect the desired qualities of the service.

2. Quantitative Representation : SLIs provide a quantitative representation of the service's performance. They are often expressed as numerical values, percentages, ratios, or counts, allowing for objective measurement and comparison.

3. Relationship with SLOs : SLIs are closely tied to Service Level Objectives (SLOs). SLOs define the desired performance targets or thresholds for specific SLIs. SLIs help monitor the actual performance of the service and determine whether it meets the defined SLOs.
4. Monitoring and Data Collection : SLIs require a robust monitoring and data collection system to continuously track and record the relevant metrics. Monitoring tools and systems collect data from the service's infrastructure, applications, and user interactions to derive the values for SLIs.

5. Analysis and Visualization : SLI data is analyzed and visualized to gain insights into the service's performance trends, patterns, and anomalies. Visual representations, such as graphs, dashboards, or alerts, help teams monitor SLIs in real-time, identify deviations from the desired levels, and take appropriate actions.

6. Diagnostic and Troubleshooting : SLIs play a crucial role in identifying performance issues, diagnosing root causes, and troubleshooting problems. When SLIs deviate from the expected values, SRE teams can investigate further to understand the underlying reasons and take remedial actions.

By monitoring SLIs, teams can gain visibility into the service's performance, make data-driven decisions, and identify areas for improvement. SLIs provide a quantitative basis for discussions, incident response, capacity planning, and continuous improvement efforts, helping to maintain and enhance the quality and reliability of the service.