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SQLite - Interview Questions
Describe some SQLite aggregate functions?
The SQLite aggregate functions are the functions where values of multiple rows and columns are grouped as input and form a single value as output.

Below is the list of SQLite aggregate functions :

* SQLite MIN function : It is used to select a minimum value for a column.
* SQLite MAX function : It is used to select a maximum value for a column.
* SQLite SUM function : It is used to select the total for a numeric column.
* SQLite AVG function : It is used to select the average value for a table column.
* SQLite COUNT function : It is used to count the number of rows in a database table.
* SQLite UPPER function : It is used to convert a string into upper-case letters.
* SQLite LOWER function : It is used to convert a string into lower-case letters.
* SQLite LENGTH function : It is used get the length of a string.