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PouchDB - Interview Questions
Describe the difference between pouchdb-upsert and pouchdb-find.
pouchdb-upsert and pouchdb-find are both plugins for PouchDB that serve different purposes and provide different functionalities. Here's a comparison of the two plugins:

pouchdb-upsert :
* pouchdb-upsert is a plugin for PouchDB that provides an "upsert" (update or insert) functionality for documents in the database.
* Upsert operations allow you to update an existing document if it exists or insert a new document if it doesn't exist, based on a specified condition or criteria.
* The upsert() method provided by the pouchdb-upsert plugin allows you to perform upsert operations on documents using a single API call.
* Upsert operations are useful for scenarios where you want to ensure that a document exists in the database and update it if necessary, without having to explicitly check for its existence first.
// Example of using pouchdb-upsert to update or insert a document
db.upsert('doc_id', function(doc) {
  // Update the existing document or create a new document = 'John Doe';
  return doc;
}).then(function(response) {
  console.log('Upsert successful:', response);
}).catch(function(error) {
  console.error('Upsert error:', error);

pouchdb-find :
* pouchdb-find is a plugin for PouchDB that provides advanced querying and indexing capabilities for documents in the database.
* The query() method provided by the pouchdb-find plugin allows you to perform complex queries on the database using a MongoDB-like query syntax.
* Queries can include criteria such as field values, range queries, logical operators, sorting, and grouping, allowing you to filter, sort, and aggregate data in the database based on specific criteria.
* pouchdb-find is useful for scenarios where you need to perform sophisticated queries on the database to retrieve subsets of documents that match certain criteria.
// Example of using pouchdb-find to perform a query
  selector: { age: { $gte: 18 } },
  sort: ['age']
}).then(function(result) {
  console.log('Query result:', result);
}).catch(function(error) {
  console.error('Query error:', error);