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Keras - Interview Questions
Describe the fit() function in Keras.
The fit() function in Keras is used to train a neural network model on a given dataset. It takes the training data, validation data (optional), batch size, number of epochs, and other optional parameters as input and iterates over the training data for the specified number of epochs, updating the model's parameters (weights) based on the optimization algorithm and the specified loss function.

Here's a breakdown of the parameters of the fit() function and how it works:

* Training Data
* Labels/Targets
* Validation Data
* Batch Size
* Number of Epochs
* Callbacks
* Other Parameters

Once the fit() function is called, Keras iterates over the training data for the specified number of epochs, updating the model's parameters using the specified optimization algorithm and loss function. After each epoch, the model's performance on the training and validation data (if provided) is evaluated and displayed, and the training progress is logged based on the specified verbosity level. Once training is complete, the trained model parameters are returned.