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Neural Networks - Interview Questions
Difference between Soft Computing and Hard Computing
S.NO Soft Computing Hard Computing
1. Soft Computing is liberal of inexactness, uncertainty, partial truth and approximation. Hard computing needs a exactly state analytic model.
2. Soft Computing relies on formal logic and probabilistic reasoning. Hard computing relies on binary logic and crisp system.
3. Soft computing has the features of approximation and dispositionality. Hard computing has the features of exactitude(precision) and categoricity.
4. Soft computing is stochastic in nature. Hard computing is deterministic in nature.
5. Soft computing works on ambiguous and noisy data. Hard computing works on exact data.
6. Soft computing can perform parallel computations. Hard computing performs sequential computations.
7. Soft computing produces approximate results. Hard computing produces precise results.
8. Soft computing will emerge its own programs. Hard computing requires programs to be written.
9. Soft computing incorporates randomness . Hard computing is settled.
10. Soft computing will use multivalued logic. Hard computing uses two-valued logic.