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Cyber Security - Interview Questions
Differentiate between Stream Cipher and Block Cipher.
The major distinction between a block cypher and a stream cypher is that a block cypher turns plain text into ciphertext one block at a time. Stream cypher, on the other hand, converts plain text into ciphertext by taking one byte of plain text at a time.

Block Cipher Stream Cipher
By converting plaintext into ciphertext one block at a time, Block Cipher converts plain text into ciphertext. Stream Cipher takes one byte of plain text at a time and converts it to ciphertext.
Either 64 bits or more than 64 bits are used in block ciphers. 8 bits are used in stream ciphers.
The ECB (Electronic Code Book) and CBC (Common Block Cipher) algorithm modes are utilized in block cipher (Cipher Block Chaining). CFB (Cipher Feedback) and OFB (Output Feedback) are the two algorithm types utilized in stream cipher (Output Feedback).
The Caesar cipher, polygram substitution cipher, and other transposition algorithms are used in the block cipher. Stream cipher uses substitution techniques such as the rail-fence technique, columnar transposition technique, and others.
When compared to stream cipher, a block cipher is slower. When compared to a block cipher, a stream cipher is slower.