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Computer Graphics - Interview Questions
Discuss the concept of procedural generation in 3D graphics and provide examples of its applications in generating textures, models, or entire scenes.
Procedural generation in 3D graphics refers to the creation of content algorithmically, rather than manually. This approach allows for efficient production and customization of assets while reducing storage requirements.

In texture generation, procedural techniques can create realistic or stylized surfaces by combining noise functions, gradients, and mathematical operations. Examples include Perlin noise for organic patterns and Voronoi diagrams for cellular structures.

For model generation, procedural methods can produce complex shapes through rules-based systems like L-systems or fractals. These algorithms generate intricate geometry by iteratively applying transformations such as scaling, rotation, and branching.

Entire scenes can also be generated procedurally using techniques like terrain synthesis, vegetation distribution, and city layout algorithms. Terrain synthesis often employs fractal noise functions like Simplex or Diamond-Square to create heightmaps, while vegetation placement may use Poisson disk sampling for natural-looking distributions. City layouts can utilize agent-based models or space-filling curves for street networks and building placements.