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FastAPI - Interview Questions
Discuss the role of middleware in FastAPI.
Middleware in FastAPI plays a crucial role in request and response handling, allowing you to perform additional processing before and after route execution. Middleware functions intercept incoming requests and outgoing responses, providing a way to modify or augment them as they pass through the application.

Here's a discussion on the role and functionality of middleware in FastAPI:

1. Request Middleware :

* Pre-Processing Requests : Request middleware functions are executed before the route handler functions. They can inspect, modify, or validate incoming requests before they are passed to the corresponding route.

* Authentication and Authorization : Middleware can handle authentication and authorization tasks by validating tokens, checking user permissions, or enforcing access controls before allowing access to protected routes.

* Logging and Metrics : Middleware functions can log incoming requests, capture request metrics, or perform any other pre-processing tasks such as rate limiting or request filtering.

2. Response Middleware :

* Post-Processing Responses : Response middleware functions are executed after the route handler functions. They can modify or augment the response data generated by the route handlers before sending it back to the client.

* Error Handling : Middleware can handle errors and exceptions that occur during route execution, allowing you to customize error responses or perform additional error logging or recovery actions.

* Response Compression or Transformation : Middleware can compress response payloads, transform response data into different formats (e.g., JSON to XML), or add additional headers or metadata to the response before it's sent back to the client.

3. Implementing Middleware in FastAPI :

* Using Request and Response Hooks :  FastAPI provides hooks for registering middleware functions that are executed before and after route handlers. You can use the app.middleware decorator to register middleware functions for request and response processing.

* Custom Middleware Classes : You can implement custom middleware classes by subclassing starlette.middleware.base.BaseHTTPMiddleware. This gives you more control over the middleware behavior and allows for more complex middleware logic.

Example :
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Response
from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware

app = FastAPI()

class CustomMiddleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware):
    async def dispatch(self, request: Request, call_next):
        # Pre-processing logic
        # e.g., Authentication, Logging, Metrics

        response = await call_next(request)

        # Post-processing logic
        # e.g., Error Handling, Response Transformation

        return response


In this example, CustomMiddleware is a custom middleware class that subclasses BaseHTTPMiddleware. The dispatch method intercepts incoming requests and outgoing responses, allowing you to perform pre-processing and post-processing tasks as needed.