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FastAPI - Interview Questions
Discuss the role of the security parameter in FastAPI route functions.
In FastAPI, the security parameter in route functions is used to define security requirements for accessing the endpoint. It allows you to specify authentication and authorization mechanisms required to access the route. The security parameter is a list of security requirements, where each requirement can be a dependency or a security scheme.

Here's a detailed discussion on the role of the security parameter in FastAPI route functions:

1. Authentication and Authorization :

* Authentication Schemes : You can specify one or more authentication schemes required to authenticate the client making the request. Common authentication schemes include OAuth2, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), HTTP Basic Authentication, etc.

* Authorization Dependencies : The security requirements can include dependencies that handle user authentication and authorization. These dependencies can validate tokens, check user roles or permissions, and enforce access controls.

2. Defining Security Requirements :

* Security Schemes : FastAPI supports various security schemes, such as OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, APIKey, HTTPBearer, etc. These schemes can be used as security requirements in the security parameter.

* Custom Dependencies : You can define custom dependencies that handle authentication and authorization logic according to your application's requirements. These dependencies can be reused across multiple routes to enforce consistent security policies.

3. Role-based Access Control :

* Role-based Requirements : You can specify security requirements based on user roles or permissions. For example, you may require certain routes to be accessible only to users with specific roles, such as administrators or moderators.