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Django - Interview Questions
Django is too monolithic. Explain this statement.
Django framework is too monolithic, which is true to some extent.
Django is MTV architecture-based framework and since Django is the controller of the architecture, it requires some rules that the developer should follow so that the framework can find and execute appropriate files at the right time.
Therefore, Django is one of the frameworks where file structure is as important as its architecture.
In Django, you get great customizability with the implementations.
There is just one condition that you cannot change the file names, the pre-defined lists, and variable names.
You can create new ones but you can’t change the predefined variables for which people say that they always have to follow a certain pattern while working on Django.
Django’s file structure is one of the most logical workflows.
The monolithic behavior is actually helping the developers to easily understand the project.
Even, when the company changes, the project layout remains the same.
Therefore, the developer would take less time to understand every aspect, will be able to perform more work productively.