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Angular - Interview Questions
Explain Angular 9 Ivy.
Angular 9’s compiling and rendering engine is known as Ivy. The older versions of Angular made use of View Engine. The bundle size produced by the View Engine is very large but with Ivy, this bundle has considerably reduced thereby helping Angular overcome its bundle issues.
For example, the simplest Hello World program was about 36Kb which is quite a large bundle size for a simple Hello World program. So, the Angular team decided that they will keep a threshold value of 10Kb. This was called the cake threshold because the head of that team decided to give the team all the cake in case they reduce the bundle size to below 10Kb.

The team was successful in reducing the bundle size incredibly to just 7.3Kb with the minified Ivy version and something even better i.e 2.7Kb with the Ivy Compressed version. This was indeed a great achievement and they did deserve all the cake!
Benefits of Using Ivy :
* Smaller bundle size
* Very helpful when it comes to debugging
* Brings faster compilation