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Java Springs - Interview Questions
Explain Bean life cycle in Spring Bean Factory Container.
The Bean life cycle is as follows :
* The IoC container instantiates the bean from the bean’s definition in the XML file.
* Spring then populates all of the properties using the dependency injection as specified in the bean definition.
* The bean factory container calls setBeanName() which take the bean ID and the corresponding bean has to implement BeanNameAware interface.
* The factory then calls setBeanFactory() by passing an instance of itself (if BeanFactoryAware interface is implemented in the bean).
* If BeanPostProcessors is associated with a bean, then the preProcessBeforeInitialization() methods are invoked.
If an init-method is specified, then it will be called.
* Lastly, postProcessAfterInitialization() methods will be called if there are any BeanPostProcessors associated with the bean that needs to be run post creation.