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CherryPy - Interview Questions
Explain CherryPy's Architecture
CherryPy Architecture Overview :

* Request Handling Flow : When a request comes in, CherryPy's HTTP server captures it. The dispatcher maps the URL to the appropriate methods in the application. The request is processed, and a response is generated.

* Application Structure : The CherryPy application typically consists of classes and methods. Methods decorated with @cherrypy.expose are made available as accessible endpoints via HTTP.

* Modularity and Flexibility : CherryPy's architecture promotes modularity, allowing developers to structure their applications as needed. It doesn't enforce a specific project structure, offering flexibility in organizing code.

* Minimalism and Pythonic Approach : CherryPy embraces Python's philosophy of readability and simplicity. It provides a clean and Pythonic way to create web applications, making it approachable for Python developers.