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Pega - Interview Questions
Explain Flow Action in the context of Pega. What are the different types of Flow Actions available?
A flow action is a decision that users can make as an interim or final disposition for an assignment they're working on. The Rule-Obj-FlowAction rule type is used to define each flow action.
There are two sorts of flow actions :
Connector Flow Actions : On a Visio presentation, connector flow actions appear as lines in the Diagram tab of a flow rule. A line emerges from an assignment shape and terminates at the flow's next shape. Users select a connector flow action during runtime, complete the assignment, and move the work item along the connection to the next form.
Local Flow Actions : When a local flow action is selected at runtime, the assignment remains open and on the worklist of the current user. The Assignment Properties panel records local flow actions that aren't displayed on the flow diagram.
Take, for example, an application that facilitates employee recruitment operations. When completing an assignment that requires the employee to evaluate the quality of a candidate (based on a résumé and application form), the employee enters his judgments and reasoning in the application and then selects one of three flow actions: Advance, Reject, or MoreInfo. These flow actions may employ distinct user form displays, such as in the action section of a perform harness or in a modal dialogue, and may require different input fields.