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FuelPHP - Interview Questions
Explain HMVC requests in FuelPHP.
HMVC requests are a great way to separate logic and re-use controller logic in multiple places. One common use of this is when you use a theme or template engine to generate your pages, where every page is divided into sections, and sections are populated by widgets. By using modules to produce the widget output, you can create a highly modular application with easy to re-use components.
You call a module controller method using the Request class :
// fetch the output of a controller
$widget = Request::forge('mycontroller/mymethod/parms')->execute();
echo $widget;

// or fetch the output of a module
$widget = Request::forge('mymodule/mycontroller/mymethod/parms', false)->execute();
echo $widget;

// and if you need to pass in some data
$widget = Request::forge('mymodule/mycontroller/mymethod/parms', false)->execute(array('tree'=>'apple'));
echo $widget;