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Ionic - Interview Questions
Explain Ionic lifecycle hooks
Every component in Ionic has a lifecycle. Ionic creates, renders the component, checks it when its data-bound properties change and destroys it finally. Ionic offers lifecycle hooks that provide a way to tap into these key moments and trigger an action when they occur. 
Ionic 2 & 3 had these lifecycle events : ionViewDidLoad, ionViewWillEnter
ionViewDidEnter, ionViewWillLeave, ionViewDidLeave, ionViewWillUnload
ionViewCanEnter, ionViewCanLeave
* ionViewDidLoad : Fired only when a view is stored in memory, will not fire if view has been already cached. 

* ionViewWillEnter : fired when entering a page, before it becomes active one. this event is triggered every time user enters in the view.
* ionViewDidEnter : fired when entering a page, after it becomes active page. 

* ionViewWillLeave : fired when user leaves a page, before it stops being the active page. 

* ionViewDidLeave : fired when user leaves a page, after it stops being the active page. 

* ionViewWillUnload : fired when a view is going to be completely removed. 

* ionViewCanEnter : this is a nav guard. fired before entering a view. Useful when you want to control access to pages based on access credentials. 

* ionViewCanLeave : this is also a nav guard, fired before leaving a view. 

Allows you to control whether user can exit the view or not Ionic 4 provides the Angular lifecycle hooks in addition to the above listed Ionic lifecycle hooks. All the angular lifecycle hooks are available. 
* ngOnChanges, ngOnInit, ngDoCheck, ngAfterContentInit, ngAfterContentChecked
* ngAfterViewInit, ngAfterViewChecked, ngOnDestroy.