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Selenium - Interview Questions
Explain Modifications in the Actions Classes in Selenium4.
Actions class in Selenium is primarily used to simulate input actions from mouse and keyboard on specific web elements (For eg: Left click, Right click, Double click, etc)
In Selenium 4, several new methods have been added to the Actions class:
click(WebElement) : This method is added to Actions class to replace the moveToElement(onElement).click(). It is used to click on a certain web element.
clickAndHold(WebElement) : This method will replace the moveToElement(onElement).clickAndHold(). It is used to click on an element without releasing the click.
contextClick(WebElement) : This method will replace moveToElement(onElement).contextClick(). It will perform the right click operation.
doubleClick(WebElement) : This method is added to replace moveToElement(element).doubleClick(). It will perform a double click on an element.
release() : This method (user for releasing the pressed mouse button) was initially a part of org.openqa.selenium.interactions.ButtonReleaseAction class. Now with the updated version of Selenium, it has been moved to Actions class.