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CCSA - Interview Questions
Explain SIC working and different ports of SIC?
Secure Internal Communication(SIC) enables CheckPoint platforms and products to validate with each other. The SIC process produces a trusted status between management servers, gateways, and CheckPoint components. SIC installs the policies on the gateways for sending the logs between management servers and gateways. 
The security measures of SIC assure the safety of :
* Authentication Certificates
* Triple DES for Encryption
* Standards-based SSL for secure channel creation.

ICA(Internal Certificate Authority) : We create the ICA(Internal Certificate Authority) during the Security Management Server Installation process. ICA issues the certificates for Authentication. For instance, ICA issues certificates like SIC certificates for authentication reasons to VPN certificates and administrators to gateways and users.
Starting the Trust Establishment Process : Communication initialization creates trust between the checkpoint gateways and the security management server. This trust allows CheckPoint components to interact securely. We can establish trust when the servers and gateways have SIC certificates.