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p5.js - Interview Questions
Explain Setup and Draw in p5.js
The code inside the draw() function runs continuously from top to bottom until the program is stopped. The code in setup() is run once when the program starts.

let y = 100;

// The statements in the setup() function
// execute once when the program begins
function setup() {
  // createCanvas must be the first statement
  createCanvas(720, 400);
  stroke(255); // Set line drawing color to white
// The statements in draw() are executed until the
// program is stopped. Each statement is executed in
// sequence and after the last line is read, the first
// line is executed again.
function draw() {
  background(0); // Set the background to black
  y = y - 1;
  if (y < 0) {
    y = height;
  line(0, y, width, y);