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Haskell - Interview Questions
Explain Several Advantages of Lazy evaluation in Haskell.
Lazy evaluation in Haskell offers several advantages:

1. Efficiency : By evaluating only what is necessary, lazy evaluation can save computation time and memory usage. It avoids unnecessary computations and allows for more optimized execution paths.

2. Modularity : Lazy evaluation promotes modular programming by allowing the composition of computations that are evaluated on an as-needed basis. This improves code organization and promotes code reuse.

3. Infinite Data Structures : Lazy evaluation allows the definition and manipulation of potentially infinite data structures, enabling elegant solutions to problems that involve infinite sequences or streams.

4. Improved Responsiveness : Lazy evaluation can provide better responsiveness in interactive programs, as computations are only performed when their results are explicitly requested.
However, lazy evaluation also has some considerations :

1. Space Leaks : If thunks are not carefully managed, excessive memory usage can occur. This can lead to space leaks, where memory is consumed even when values are no longer needed. Careful attention is required to avoid such situations.

2. Performance Overhead : Lazy evaluation introduces an overhead in terms of time and memory. The creation and management of thunks incur some costs, which can impact performance in certain scenarios.