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CoffeeScript - Interview Questions
Explain Transpiling with the CoffeeScript compiler.
To make things easy, CoffeeScript has built-in support for the popular Babel transpiler. You can use it via the --transpile command-line option or the transpile Node API option. To use either, @babel/core must be installed in your project :
npm install --save-dev @babel/core
Or if you’re running the coffee command outside of a project folder, using a globally-installed coffeescript module, @babel/core needs to be installed globally :
npm install --global @babel/core
By default, Babel doesn’t do anything—it doesn’t make assumptions about what you want to transpile to. You need to provide it with a configuration so that it knows what to do. One way to do this is by creating a .babelrc file in the folder containing the files you’re compiling, or in any parent folder up the path above those files. (Babel supports other ways, too.) A minimal .babelrc file would be just { "presets": ["@babel/env"] }. This implies that you have installed @babel/preset-env :
npm install --save-dev @babel/preset-env  # Or --global for non-project-based usage