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Pega - Interview Questions
Explain Work List and Work Basket in the context of Pega.
Work List : A worklist is a list of open, unfinished assignments that are waiting for a user to complete them. As a result, a worklist display reveals selected Assign-Worklist instances. 

A column that indicates a work item ID is commonly included in worklist presentations, but a worklist is not a list of work items. One work item may have two or more open tasks at any given moment. These assignments may appear on the worklist of a single user or on the worklists of multiple users.

Assignments usually appear on a worklist because they were created by an Assignment shape in a flow. Assignments are ordered by assignment urgency, with the most urgent assignments appearing first and having the largest pxAssignUrgency value. If the user is inactive or exclusively works in a workspace other than Process Work, the information on the worklist display may become stale (outdated). To refresh the contents of the worklist, click the refresh symbol or interact with it.

Work Basket : A workbasket is a named list of open assignments that aren't assigned to a specific operator. An instance of the Data-Admin-WorkBasket class defines a workbasket. An organisation unit, a work group, and a calendar can all be linked to a workbasket. During system installation, a workbasket is generated as a last resort for assignment routing.

The system makes assignments as work items proceed through a flow execution. Assignments can be linked to either human users (and display on their worklists) or workbaskets. A workbasket's "contents" are a collection of unprocessed tasks arranged in decreasing order of priority, comparable to a worklist's contents. The work queue is a term used to describe these assignments.
There are three ways that assignments leave a workbasket :
* Users who are qualified can process an assignment by removing it from the workbasket.
* Based on work schedules, due dates, talents, workloads, and other parameters, an application can automatically route assignments in a workbasket to users.
* Managers can move assignments from a workbasket to the worklists of their employees.