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Explain file handling in C#.
Whenever you open a file for reading or writing it becomes a stream which is a sequence of bytes travelling from source to destination. The two commonly used streams are input and output. The included namespace is system.IO that includes many classes for file handling. The stream is an abstract class that is the parent class for the file handling process. The file is a static class with many static methods to handle file operation.
Below are the used classes : 
The following table describes some commonly used classes in the System.IO namespace.

Class Name Description
FileStream This stream read from and write to any location within a file
BinaryReader read primitive data types from a binary stream
DirectoryInfo perform operations on directories
FileInfo perform operations on files
BinaryWriter write primitive data types in binary format
StreamReader to read characters from a byte Stream
StreamWriter write characters to a stream.
StringReader read from a string buffer
StringWriter write into a string buffer