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Bulma - Interview Questions
Explain how Bulma handles typography and spacing.
Bulma provides a structured and intuitive system for managing typography and spacing, offering developers a set of classes that simplify the styling of text elements and spacing within their web layouts.

Typography :

* Base Typography : Bulma establishes a consistent baseline typography across the site, ensuring uniformity in font sizes, line heights, and other typographic properties.

* Heading Styles : Bulma includes classes (title, subtitle, is-size-1 to is-size-6, etc.) that define various heading sizes. These classes allow developers to easily set the size of headings according to their hierarchy.

* Text Styling : It provides classes for styling text elements, including bold (has-text-weight-bold), italic (is-italic), underlined (has-text-underlined), etc., allowing for quick text modifications.

* Responsive Typography : Bulma's responsive typography classes (is-size-, is-family-, etc.) enable developers to set different font sizes or font families based on screen sizes, ensuring readability across devices.

Spacing :

* Padding and Margin Utilities : Bulma offers a comprehensive set of classes (padding, margin, is-marginless, is-paddingless, etc.) that allow precise control over spacing within elements. These classes can be applied to add or remove padding and margins around elements.

* Spacing Scale : Bulma follows a consistent spacing scale (e.g., is-1, is-2, up to is-7) to define different levels of spacing. Developers can easily apply these classes to elements to maintain consistent and aesthetically pleasing spacing throughout the layout.
* Vertical Rhythm : Bulma's vertical rhythm classes (is-desktop, is-mobile, etc.) help maintain consistent vertical spacing between elements at different breakpoints, ensuring readability and a harmonious layout across various screen sizes.

* Box Elements : Bulma includes classes for creating box elements (box, notification, message, etc.) with predefined padding and margins, offering consistent styling and spacing for these components.

Example Usage :
<!-- Typography -->
<h1 class="title">This is a title</h1>
<p class="subtitle">This is a subtitle</p>
<p class="is-size-5">This text has a custom font size</p>

<!-- Spacing -->
<div class="box has-text-centered is-paddingless is-marginless">
  <p>This box has no padding or margin</p>
<div class="container is-6">
  <p>This container has Bulma's default spacing</p>

Bulma's typography and spacing utilities simplify the process of styling text elements and managing spacing within layouts, providing developers with a structured and consistent approach to create visually appealing and well-organized content.