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Scala - Interview Questions
Explain map() and flatmap().
Map() and its close cousin flatMap() are often used when we deal with data structures in Scala and both are higher-order functions.   

map() method : It functions similarly to mapping operations in other languages like JavaScript since it allows us to iterate over a collection to translate it into another collection. Every element of the collection is transformed by applying a function to it. Its uses are heavily overloaded, making it useful for situations that aren't immediately obvious. Scala's map() method is exceptionally powerful.

flatpmap() method : In Scala, flatMap() is the same as map(), except that flatMap removes the inner grouping of items and creates a sequence. Essentially, it is a combination of the flatten method and the map method. The map method followed by the flatten method produces the same result as flatMap(), so we can say that flatMap runs the map method first, followed by the flatten method. Compared to the map method, flatMap is much more powerful.