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Explain pattern matching in Rust.
Pattern matching in Rust is a powerful feature that allows you to destructure and match the structure of values against patterns. It enables you to handle different cases or conditions in a concise and expressive way. Pattern matching is extensively used in Rust for tasks such as control flow, variable binding, error handling, and data extraction.

Here are the key aspects of pattern matching in Rust:

1. `match` Expression : The `match` keyword is used to perform pattern matching in Rust. It allows you to match an expression against a series of patterns and execute the corresponding code block for the first matching pattern. It provides a comprehensive way to handle different cases.

Example :
match value {
    pattern1 => { /* Code to execute if value matches pattern1 */ }
    pattern2 => { /* Code to execute if value matches pattern2 */ }
    // ...
    _ => { /* Default code to execute if no patterns match */ }

2. Patterns : Patterns in Rust can take various forms, including literals, variables, wildcards, ranges, structs, enums, references, slices, and more. Patterns can be combined and nested to match complex structures.

Example :
match value {
    0 => { /* Code to execute if value is 0 */ }
    x => { /* Code to execute for any other value, binding it to x */ }

3. Binding Variables : Patterns can bind variables to parts of the matched value, allowing you to extract and use specific data within the code block.

Example :
match value {
    Some(x) => { /* Code to execute if value is Some(x), with x bound to the inner value */ }
    None => { /* Code to execute if value is None */ }

4. Guards : Guards are additional conditions that can be applied to patterns. They use boolean expressions to further refine the matching criteria.

Example :
match value {
    x if x > 0 => { /* Code to execute if value is positive, with x bound to the value */ }
    x if x < 0 => { /* Code to execute if value is negative, with x bound to the value */ }
    _ => { /* Code to execute for any other value */ }

5. Exhaustiveness Checking : The Rust compiler ensures that pattern matches are exhaustive, meaning that all possible cases are handled. If a match expression is missing a pattern, the compiler will raise a warning or error to prompt you to handle the missing case.