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Phalcon - Interview Questions
Explain routing in Phalcon.
The Phalcon\Mvc\Router component allows you to define routes that are mapped to controllers or handlers that receive and can handle the request. The router has two modes: MVC mode and match-only mode. The first mode is ideal for working with MVC applications.

use Phalcon\Mvc\Router;

$router = new Router();

        'controller' => 'invoices',
        'action'     => 'list',

Constants : There are two constants available for the Phalcon\Mvc\Router component that are used to define the position of the route in the processing stack.
Methods : 
public function __construct(
    bool $defaultRoutes = true
Phalcon\Mvc\Router constructor : 
public function add(
    string $pattern, 
    mixed $paths = null, 
    mixed $httpMethods = null, 
    mixed $position = Router::POSITION_LAST
): RouteInterface