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Salesforce - Interview Questions
Explain skinny table. What are the considerations for skinny table?
Skinny tables in Salesforce are useful in accessing the fields which are frequently used and to avoid joins. This can improve the performance of certain read-only operations such as reports, list views, etc. Skinny tables are highly effective because skinny tables will be in sync with source tables even when the source tables are modified. 
You need to contact Salesforce customer support if you want to use skinny tables. You cannot create, access, or modify skinny tables yourself. For example, you need to contact Salesforce to update your skinny table definition if you want to add new fields.
Considerations for skinny tables are :
* It can contain an utmost of 100 columns.

* It cannot hold fields from other objects.

* For full sandboxes, these skinny tables are copied to your full sandbox organizations. For other types of sandboxes, skinny tables are not copied into your sandbox organizations. To have production skinny tables to be activated, contact Salesforce customer support.