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Appium - Interview Questions
Explain some Key features of Appium.
Key features of Appium :

* Cross-platform : Supports testing of applications on both iOS and Android platforms.

* Supports multiple programming languages : Allows writing test scripts in various programming languages such as Java, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, and more.

* No need for code modifications : Appium enables the reuse of test scripts across different platforms without requiring any changes to the underlying code.

* Integration with testing frameworks : Appium seamlessly integrates with popular testing frameworks like Selenium, allowing testers to leverage existing knowledge and tools.

* Real device and emulator/simulator support : Appium supports testing on real devices as well as emulators/simulators, providing flexibility in the testing environment.

* Supports native, hybrid, and mobile web applications : Appium can automate testing for native mobile applications, hybrid applications (which combine elements of native and web applications), and mobile web applications.