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SCCM - Interview Questions
Explain some SCCM Client Log Files.
* CAS : Content Access Service. Maintains the local package cache.

* Ccmexec.log :
Records activities of the client and the SMS Agent Host service.

* CertificateMaintenance.log :
Maintains certificates for Active Directory service and management points.

* ClientIDManagerStartup.log :
Creates and maintains the client GUID.

* ClientLocation.log :
Site assignment tasks.

* ContentTransferManager.log :
Schedules the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) or the Server Message Block (SMB) to download or to access SMS packages.

* DataTransferService.log :
Records all BITS communication for policy or package access.

* Execmgr.log :
Records advertisements that run.

* FileBITS.log :
Records all SMB package access tasks.

* Fsinvprovider.log
(renamed to FileSystemFile.log in all SMS 2003 Service Packs) : Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider for software inventory and file collection.

* InventoryAgent.log :
Creates discovery data records (DDRs) and hardware and software inventory records.

* LocationServices.log :
Finds management points and distribution points.

* Mifprovider.log :
The WMI provider for .MIF files.

* Mtrmgr.log :
Monitors all software metering processes.

* PolicyAgent.log :
Requests policies by using the Data Transfer service.

* PolicyAgentProvider.log :
Records policy changes.

* PolicyEvaluator.log :
Records new policy settings.

* Remctrl.log :
Logs when the remote control component (WUSER32) starts.

* Scheduler.log :
Records schedule tasks for all client operations.

* Smscliui.log :
Records usage of the Systems Management tool in Control Panel.

* StatusAgent.log :
Logs status messages that are created by the client components.

* SWMTRReportGen.log :
Generates a usage data report that is collected by the metering agent. (This data is logged in Mtrmgr.log.)