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Kubernetes - Interview Questions
Explain the architecture of Kubernetes with a diagram?
Architecture of Kubernetes

Explanation of the critical components used in the diagram :
Master Node : The master node is the first and most crucial component of the Kubernetes' architecture. It is used to manage the Kubernetes cluster. It is the entry point for all kinds of administrative tasks.
There may be more than one master node in the cluster to check for fault tolerance.
API Server : The API server is an entry point for all the REST commands. It is used to control the cluster.
Scheduler : The scheduler is used to schedule the tasks to the slave node and distribute the workload. It also stores the resource usage information for every slave node.
Etcd : The etcd component is used to store configuration detail and good values. It communicates with the most component and receives commands and work. It is also responsible for managing network rules and port forwarding activity.
Worker/Slave nodes : Worker nodes or Slave nodes are another essential components that contain all the required services to manage the networking between the containers, communicate with the master node, which allows you to assign resources to the scheduled boxes.
Kubelet : It gets the Pod's configuration from the API server and ensures that the described containers are up and running.
Docker Container : The Docker container runs on each of the worker nodes, which runs the configured pods.
Pods : A pod is specified as a combination of single or multiple containers that logically run together on nodes.