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Hazelcast - Interview Questions
Explain the concept of distributed data structures in Hazelcast.
The concept of distributed data structures in Hazelcast refers to the ability to work with familiar data structures such as maps, queues, sets, lists, multimaps, topics, and more in a distributed and scalable manner across a cluster of nodes.

These distributed data structures provided by Hazelcast IMDG offer developers a way to store and manipulate data in a distributed environment without needing to manage the complexities of data partitioning, replication, and synchronization manually.

Here's an overview of some key distributed data structures in Hazelcast and how they work:

* Distributed Map (IMap)

* Distributed Queue (IQueue)

* Distributed Set (ISet)

* Distributed List (IList)

* Distributed Multimap (MultiMap)

* Distributed Topic (ITopic)