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TinyDB - Interview Questions
Explain the concept of document-oriented databases and how TinyDB fits into this paradigm.
Document-oriented databases are a type of NoSQL (Not Only SQL) database that stores and retrieves data in the form of flexible, semi-structured documents, typically encoded in formats like JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) or BSON (Binary JSON).

In a document-oriented database, each document contains key-value pairs, where values can be simple data types (such as strings, numbers, or booleans), nested documents, or arrays. Unlike relational databases, document-oriented databases do not enforce a fixed schema across all documents, allowing for more flexibility and dynamic data structures.

TinyDB fits into the paradigm of document-oriented databases by providing a lightweight, Python-based solution for storing and querying data in document format. Here's how TinyDB aligns with the core concepts of document-oriented databases:

Document-centric data model : In TinyDB, data is stored and manipulated in the form of documents, which are JSON-like objects containing key-value pairs. Each document represents a single record in the database and can have its own unique structure. This allows for flexible data modeling without the need for a predefined schema.

NoSQL approach : TinyDB follows the NoSQL approach by offering a non-relational, schema-less data storage solution. Unlike traditional SQL databases, which rely on tabular data models with fixed schemas, TinyDB allows developers to store and query data in a more flexible and dynamic manner, making it well-suited for use cases with evolving data requirements.

JSON-based storage : By default, TinyDB stores data in JSON format, making it compatible with the document-oriented data model. JSON is a widely-used data interchange format that is human-readable, lightweight, and easy to work with. This allows developers to store complex data structures, including nested objects and arrays, within TinyDB documents.

Query capabilities : TinyDB provides a simple yet powerful query language for retrieving data from the database. Queries can be constructed using Python expressions and can filter documents based on specific criteria. This enables developers to perform complex data retrieval and manipulation operations, such as filtering, sorting, and aggregation, directly within their Python code.

Embeddable and lightweight : Similar to other document-oriented databases, TinyDB is designed to be lightweight and easy to embed within Python applications. It does not require a separate database server or complex setup process, making it suitable for use in small to medium-sized projects where simplicity and ease of use are priorities.