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Scala - Interview Questions
Explain the concept of immutability in Scala.
In Scala, immutability refers to the property of an object or variable that prevents its state from being modified after it is created. Immutable objects cannot be changed once they are instantiated, which means their values remain constant throughout their lifetime.

Here are some key aspects of immutability in Scala :

1. Immutable Objects : In Scala, objects created using the `val` keyword are immutable by default. Once assigned a value, the state of an immutable object cannot be changed.

For example :
   val age: Int = 30​

   In this case, `age` is an immutable variable that holds the value 30. It cannot be reassigned to a different value.

2. Immutable Collections : Scala provides immutable collection classes, such as List, Set, and Map, that are designed to be immutable. Immutable collections cannot be modified after creation, which ensures the integrity of the collection's contents. Operations on these collections return new instances with the desired modifications, leaving the original collection unchanged.
   val list: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
   val updatedList = list :+ 4 // Creates a new list with 4 appended​

   In this example, `list` is an immutable List, and the `:+` operator returns a new List with 4 appended. The original list remains unchanged.

3. Thread-Safety : Immutable objects are inherently thread-safe because they cannot be modified once created. Multiple threads can access and read immutable objects simultaneously without the need for synchronization. This reduces the risk of race conditions and simplifies concurrent programming.
4. Functional Programming : Immutability plays a crucial role in functional programming paradigms. Immutable objects are fundamental to functional programming principles such as referential transparency and the avoidance of side effects. Immutable data facilitates reasoning about code behavior, enables easier testing and debugging, and promotes functional composition.

5. Safe Sharing and Composition : Immutable objects can be safely shared across multiple components or threads without the need for defensive copying. Since the object's state cannot change, there is no risk of unintended modification by other parts of the code. Immutable objects can be freely passed as arguments, returned from functions, or used as keys in maps without concern for unexpected side effects.

6. Copying and Modification : When modifications are required on immutable objects, Scala encourages creating new instances with the desired changes rather than modifying existing objects. This approach helps in preserving the immutability of the original object and ensures referential transparency.
   case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

   val john = Person("John", 30)
   val olderJohn = john.copy(age = 31) // Creates a new Person with age modified​

   In this example, `copy` creates a new Person object with the age modified. The original object `john` remains unchanged.