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PyBrain - Interview Questions
Explain the concept of regularization and its importance in neural networks. How is it implemented in PyBrain?
Regularization is a technique used to prevent overfitting in machine learning models, including neural networks. Overfitting occurs when a model learns to fit the training data too closely, capturing noise and irrelevant patterns that do not generalize well to unseen data. Regularization helps to mitigate overfitting by adding a penalty term to the loss function, discouraging the model from learning overly complex patterns in the training data.

The importance of regularization in neural networks stems from their flexibility and capacity to learn complex relationships between input and output variables. Neural networks with large numbers of parameters, such as deep neural networks with many layers and neurons, are prone to overfitting, especially when trained on limited data. Regularization techniques help control the complexity of neural networks and improve their generalization performance on unseen data.

There are several types of regularization techniques commonly used in neural networks, including :

* L1 Regularization (Lasso)
* L2 Regularization (Ridge)
* Elastic Net Regularization
* Dropout
* Weight Constraint