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Appium - Interview Questions
Explain the design of the Appium?
Appium is considered as an HTTP server that is written using the Node.js platform. It runs on both android and IOS sessions with the help of web driver JSON wire protocol. After the download and installation of the Appium are completed the server is then set up on the machine which exposes a REST API.

Then the Appium also receives connections and command requests from clients. These commands are then executed on mobile devices. Generally, appium respond backs with an HTTP response. To execute the request, Appium uses mobile test automation frameworks so that it can drive the user interface of the apps. Some of the mobile automation frameworks are

* Google UIAutomator for Android API of level 16 or more than that
* Apple instruments for the IOS platform
* For android API level 15 or lesser than that, Selendroid is used.