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ArangoDB - Interview Questions
Explain the difference between a document collection and an edge collection.
In ArangoDB, document collections and edge collections are two types of collections used to store data in different contexts within a graph database. Here's an explanation of the difference between them:

Document Collection :

A document collection in ArangoDB stores JSON-like documents as its primary data units.
* Each document can contain nested fields, arrays, and key-value pairs, making it suitable for representing complex data structures.
* Document collections are versatile and can store a wide range of data types and structures, including hierarchical and semi-structured data.
* Documents within a collection do not need to have a fixed schema, allowing for flexibility in data modeling and storage.
* Document collections are typically used to represent entities or objects in the application domain, such as users, products, orders, or articles.

Edge Collection :

* An edge collection in ArangoDB stores edges, which represent relationships or connections between documents in a graph.
* Each edge consists of a source document, a target document, and optional properties that describe the relationship between them.
* Edge collections establish links or associations between vertices (documents) in a graph, forming a network of interconnected nodes.
* Edge collections are used to represent relationships between entities in the application domain, such as friendships between users, connections between web pages, transactions between accounts, or dependencies between tasks.