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Ember.js - Interview Questions
Explain the directory structure in Ember.js.
In Ember.js, project structure is also called directory structure. It contains the following files and directories :
I-app : It contains folders and files for models, components, routes, templates, and styles.
I-bower_components/ bower.json : It is a dependency management tool which is used in Ember CLI to manage front-end plugins and component dependencies.
I-config : It contains the environment.js which controls configure settings for your app.
I-dist : It contains the created output files when we build our app for deployment.
I-node_nodules/package.json : Directory and files are from npm. Npm is the package manager for node.js.
Public : The public directory contains assets such as image and fonts.
Vendor : This directory specifies a location where front-end dependencies that are not managed by Bower go.
Tests/testem.js : Automated tests for our app go in the test folder, and testing is configured in testem.js.
Tmp : Ember CLI temporary files live here.
Ember-cli-build.js : This file describes how Ember CLI should build our app.