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Babylon.js - Interview Questions
Explain the main differences and benefits of using an InstancedMesh vs. a SolidParticleSystem in a Babylon.js project.
InstancedMesh and SolidParticleSystem are both used for optimizing performance in Babylon.js projects, but they serve different purposes.

InstancedMesh is ideal for rendering multiple identical meshes with minimal overhead. It uses GPU instancing to draw many instances of the same geometry with a single draw call, reducing CPU workload. This is beneficial when you have numerous copies of an object that share the same material and don’t require individual manipulation or collision detection.

SolidParticleSystem (SPS), on the other hand, is designed for managing large numbers of independent objects with varying geometries and materials. SPS combines these objects into a single mesh, reducing draw calls and improving performance. It allows for per-particle properties like position, rotation, and scaling, as well as custom behaviors through update functions. SPS is suitable for scenarios where each object needs unique attributes or interactions, such as particle systems or crowd simulations.