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OrientDB - Interview Questions
Explain the main features of OrientDB.
OrientDB offers a comprehensive set of features that make it a powerful and versatile database management system. Here are some of its main features :

Multi-Model Support : OrientDB is a multi-model database, which means it supports multiple data models within a single database instance. It seamlessly integrates document, graph, and object-oriented models, allowing developers to choose the most suitable model for their application requirements.

Graph Database Capabilities : OrientDB provides native support for managing graph data, making it highly efficient for storing and querying highly interconnected data structures. It offers features such as vertices, edges, and property graphs, along with advanced graph algorithms and traversal capabilities.

Document Database Features : OrientDB stores data in flexible, schema-less documents, similar to other NoSQL document databases. This document model is well-suited for handling semi-structured data and evolving schemas, offering flexibility and scalability.

ACID Transactions : Despite its NoSQL nature, OrientDB supports ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions, ensuring data integrity and reliability even in distributed environments. This feature is crucial for applications requiring strong consistency guarantees.

SQL-Like Query Language : OrientDB includes a powerful query language called SQL++, which extends SQL to support querying graph data and other non-relational structures. This makes it easier for developers familiar with SQL to work with OrientDB and leverage their existing knowledge and skills.

Scalability and High Availability : OrientDB is designed for scalability and high availability, with features such as sharding, distributed clustering, and automatic failover. It can handle large volumes of data and high-throughput workloads, making it suitable for enterprise-grade applications.

Distributed Architecture : OrientDB can be deployed in distributed environments, with built-in features for replication, fault tolerance, and load balancing. This enables seamless scaling across multiple nodes and ensures data consistency and reliability in distributed deployments.

Embeddable and Standalone Modes : OrientDB can be used either as an embedded database within an application or as a standalone database server. This flexibility in deployment options allows developers to choose the most appropriate setup for their specific use case and infrastructure requirements.

Security Features : OrientDB provides robust security features, including authentication, authorization, and encryption. It allows administrators to control access to databases, resources, and operations, ensuring data privacy and compliance with security standards.

Open Source and Community Support : OrientDB is open-source software, licensed under the Apache License 2.0. It has an active community of developers and contributors who provide support, documentation, and extensions to enhance its functionality. This vibrant community ecosystem fosters innovation and collaboration among users and developers.