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Babylon.js - Interview Questions
Explain the role of Babylon.js Serialization and SceneLoader, and how they can be used for loading, saving, and transferring scene data between different applications or formats.
Babylon.js Serialization and SceneLoader play crucial roles in managing scene data. Serialization converts a scene into a JSON object, enabling easy storage, transfer, and manipulation of the data. It allows for exporting scenes from one application or format to another, ensuring compatibility across platforms.

SceneLoader is responsible for loading scene data from various sources like files, URLs, or strings. It supports multiple file formats such as .babylon, .gltf, and .glb, providing flexibility when importing scenes. Additionally, it offers methods for merging loaded scenes with existing ones, allowing seamless integration of assets.

To save a scene, use the ‘BABYLON.SceneSerializer.Serialize()’ method, which returns a JSON object representing the scene. For loading, utilize the ‘BABYLON.SceneLoader.Load()’ or ‘BABYLON.SceneLoader.Append()’ methods, depending on whether you want to replace or merge the current scene with the new one.

Example :
// Serialize scene
let serializedScene = BABYLON.SceneSerializer.Serialize(scene);
// Load scene from URL
BABYLON.SceneLoader.Load("path/to/scene.babylon", (loadedScene) => {
  // Use loadedScene here
// Append scene to existing one
BABYLON.SceneLoader.Append("path/to/assets/", "asset.gltf", scene);?